Web Based Training

Attracting and Retaining Black Talent

• Why should companies invest in Black talent? • How do companies identify and attract Black talent? • How do companies develop and retain Black talent?

Grundlagen 15 Min. Englisch

11,89 €

inkl. 19% MwSt

9,99 € netto

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First and most importantly, it is the just and moral course of action. Centuries of exploitation, oppression, and disenfranchisement of the Black community has resulted in predominantly white leadership in most organizations. Companies must intentionally disrupt the systemic barriers in place that maintain the biased (prejudiced, race-based) status quo in order to create more inclusive and sustainable organizations that better serve the community.


• Why should companies invest in Black talent?
• How do companies identify and attract Black talent?
• How do companies develop and retain Black talent?

Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer



New and mid level Managers

Module in diesem Training

Attracting and Retaining Black Talent

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