Web Based Training

Engagement Practices


Grundlagen 15 Min. Englisch

11,89 €

inkl. 19% MwSt

9,99 € netto

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Presenting to groups is a regular part of many leaders’ responsibilities. You may speak at industry gatherings, leadership retreats, conferences, or staff meetings. Regardless of whether you’re presenting to large or small groups, your goal should be to deliver your message in a way that is engaging and interactive. Studies say that you have less than one minute to engage your audience before they begin to lose interest. And once you’ve captured their attention, you must continue to purposefully interact with them throughout the presentation. This course will enable you to enhance your engagement techniques which can be the difference makers that determine how focused, connected, and engaged your audience will be throughout your presentation.


• Identify the steps involved in planning for a successful presentation
• Recognize the importance and methods of practice
• Demonstrate the practices essential to boost your confidence while delivering a presentation

Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer



New and mid level Managers

Module in diesem Training

Engagement Practices

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