Web Based Training

Onboarding Process

New to the company? That sounds like a lot of time and patience for familiarization and getting to know the company… However, not if you have seen this module.

Grundlagen 25 Min. Englisch

58,31 €

inkl. 19% MwSt

49,00 € netto

In Warenkorb legen


New employees come to the company, are highly motivated, but few have time for their induction. Many work from home, which makes integration into the team even more difficult.


In this e-learning course, employees learn:

  • Why good onboarding is essential for the company and the team,
  • How good onboarding can be implemented digitally,
  • What content a good onboarding should absolutely contain.

Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer




Module in diesem Training

Onboarding en-US_v1.00

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