Web Based Training

Build Advanced Applications with IBM Datacap Insight Edition (V9.1.3) SPVC - F2639G

Contains PDF course guide, as well as a lab environment where students can work through demonstrations and exercises at their own pace.

Fortgeschritten Englisch
quofox Qualitätssiegel

463,39 €

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389,40 € netto

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In this course, you will work with applications in Datacap Studio to implement cognitive capture by using the IBM Datacap Insight Edition system. You will build page layouts and extract information with text analytics using IBM SystemT and Watson Natural Language Understanding. You will learn how to create virtual page blocks and extract information from tables and label value pairs. You will configure page classification with IBM Content Classification, Watson Visual Recognition engine, and Watson Natural Language Classifier service.

If you are enrolling in a Self Paced Virtual Classroom or Web Based Training course, before you enroll, please review the Self-Paced Virtual Classes and Web-Based Training Classes on our Terms and Conditions page, as well as the system requirements, to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for this course. http://www.ibm.com/training/terms

Introduction to Datacap Insight Edition
Sign up for the IBM Cloud services

Build page layouts

Extract information with text analytics
Extract text analytics metadata
Extract information with text analytics

Watson Natural Language Understanding integration with Datacap
Extract data with Watson Natural Language Understanding

Refine the results from data extraction
Configure Datacap to remove duplicate results

Virtual page blocks and table extraction
Create a virtual page block
Configure data extraction from tables

Data extraction from label value pairs
Configure data extraction from label value pairs

Automate decisions with Datacap and Watson Visual Recognition
Build a Visual Recognition classifier
Use a custom classifier to classify the images

Integrate Watson Natural Language Classifier with Datacap
Create a Natural Language Classifier
Use a custom Natural Language Classifier to classify the documents

IBM Content Classification integration with Datacap
Create Knowledge Bases and Decision Plans
Configure full page classification
Use Natural Language Understanding entities for classification


Build page layouts
Extract text analytics metadata
Extract information with SystemT text analytics
Extract data using Watson Natural Language Understanding
Refine the results from data extraction
Create a virtual page block
Configure data extraction from tables and label value pairs
Integrate IBM Content Classification with Datacap
Automate decisions with Datacap and Watson Visual Recognition
Classify Datacap documents with Watson Natural Language Classifier

Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer

Knowledge of IBM Datacap concepts and Datacap clients, or
IBM Datacap 9.0.1 - Introduction (F251G)
Working knowledge with Datacap Studio, or
IBM Datacap 9.0.1 - Datacap Studio (F255G)
Knowledge of Datacap Navigator configuration, or
IBM Datacap 9.0.1 - Datacap Navigator Configuration (F257G)


This course is for Solution Builders and users who are responsible for configuring Datacap applications.

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