Web Based Training

Interpersonal Relationships


Grundlagen 15 Min. Englisch

11,89 €

inkl. 19% MwSt

9,99 € netto

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Why do we often say that it is important to effectively network and build strong business partnerships? It is because your success as a businessperson will be greatly affected by the professional relationships you cultivate. Whether leading employees, working on a cross-functional team, or meeting with colleagues at an industry conference, your ability to successfully network and build productive and authentic business relationships is important. Strong business relationships drive productivity and business success. Smart leaders spend time developing their interpersonal skills in order to build solid bonds with their employees, work productively and positively with peers and superiors, and generate business relationships that can contribute to personal and organizational success.


• Describe interpersonal skills
• Identify ways to build business partnerships
• Enlist key strategies to successful networking

Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer



New and mid level Managers

Module in diesem Training

Building Relationships - Interpersonal Relationships

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