Web Based Training

Competition vs. Differentiation (SWOT Analysis)


Grundlagen 15 Min. Englisch

11,89 €

inkl. 19% MwSt

9,99 € netto

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Consistent business analysis is critical to a company’s short- and long-term success. Because the SWOT framework is such a simple, flexible, and powerful tool, organizations can use it to examine, plan, and implement business decisions and plans that range from incremental to comprehensive. By gathering a range of input from inside and outside the organization, your analysis will provide substantial, relevant, and objective data to guide your decision-making. Whether you’re planning new corporate-wide strategic goals or reviewing departmental processes, a well-executed SWOT analysis will enable you to focus on your strengths, diminish threats, and take advantage of identified business and market opportunities as you move forward.


• Describe SWOT Analysis
• Conduct a SWOT Analysis
• Create a SWOT Action Plan

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New and mid level Managers

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Competition vs. Differentiation (SWOT Analysis)

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