How do we have to rethink learning in the digital age and turn it into something entirely new?
Since earlier this year, the amount of information that's available at our fingertips doubles every single day. This changes our possibilites to consume information tremendously. And it poses one crititcal question: How does that change the way we learn? And what is learning anyhow? How can I tell that I've actually learned something, when I can look it up all the time anyway?
In this webinar I want to introduce a new understanding of "learning" - aside from what our education system proposes. We will discuss the greatest challenges that may arise and the tremendous opportunities a new way of learning opens up.
What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself - Abraham Maslow. Seit ich selbst 12 Jahre alt war, glaube ich an das Potenzial in jedem einzelnen Menschen. Was damals als Nachhilfeunterricht für meine Mitschüler begann, konnte sich in den 20 Jahren, die ich mich damit beschäftige, zu einer echten Leidenschaft entwickeln. Seit einigen Jahren unterstütze ich Menschen in Organisationen dabei, die richtigen Rahmenbedingungen für nachhaltige Weiterentwicklung zu gestalten.