Web Based Training

Sandwich Feedback


Grundlagen 15 Min. Englisch

11,89 €

inkl. 19% MwSt

9,99 € netto

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“We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve.”
-Bill Gates

Feedback is an essential part of any manager-employee relationship. However, a lot of managers are reluctant giving corrective feedback. They either fear offending the employees or damaging the good rapport built over a course of time. But feedback is essential and beneficial for the manager, the employee, and the organization as a whole. So, how do you give negative feedback? This lesson will introduce you to the technique of sharing negative feedback using the sandwich feedback approach.


• Provide sandwich feedback
• Assess the issues to be considered

Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer



New and mid level Managers

Module in diesem Training

Effective Feedback - Sandwich Feedback

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