Web Based Training

Interviewing Skills


Grundlagen 15 Min. Englisch

11,89 €

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As with many business practices, hiring techniques have been affected dramatically by the Internet. “Surprise” interview questions are now available on hiring websites, such as Glassdoor.com and Indeed.com. Candidates can practice their responses via video coaching until they are tweaked to perfection. And in the current job environment, the competition for great employees is strong. You have to move quickly and analyze swiftly to capture the best candidates for your organization.
This video discusses some pre-interview, interview, and post-interview guidelines that will help you design and develop a winning hiring process. We begin with what to do before you’ve even met your ideal candidate and progress all the way to planning for their successful post-hire on-boarding and retention.


• List the pre-interview tasks
• Prepare for the interview
• Identify the post-interview tasks

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New and mid level Managers

Module in diesem Training

Talent Acquisition - Interviewing Skills

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