Web Based Training

Customer-centric Thinking

The human being in the focus! With this change of perspective you gain an unbeatable competitive advantage!

Grundlagen 25 Min. Englisch

58,31 €

inkl. 19% MwSt

49,00 € netto

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Companies are moving away from traditional product-centric stategies and beginning to embrace the idea of customer centricity. After all, to increase profits and gain a competitive advantage, customer centricity is becoming increasingly important.


In this e-learning course, employees learn:

  • What the consequences are of not thinking customer-centric,
  • What makes a customer-centric company,
  • What the benefits of a customer-centric mindset are.

Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer




Module in diesem Training

Customer-centric thinking en-US_v.1.00

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