Web-based training

IBM Case Manager 5.2 - Integrated Rules - F214G

This course teaches the skills needed to add integrated business rules to IBM Case Manager solutions.

Advanced English
quofox quality seal

463,39 €

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389,40 € (net)

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Why use Business Rules

Benefits of using Business Rules
Integrated Rules
Integrated Rules versus External Rules
Lesson Checkpoint

Create a simple rule

Text‐based rules
The Rule Editor text‐based rules
Demonstration: Define a basic text‐based rule
Lab: Add a text‐based rule
Lab: Define the Basic Fraud Check rule
Lab: Integrate the rule into the task workflow
Lab: Test the text‐based rule in the solution

Create a table-based rule

Table‐based rules
The Rule Editor table‐based rules
Demonstration: Define a basic table‐based rule
Lab: Add a table‐based rule
Lab: Integrate the rule into the task workflow
Lab: Test the table‐based rule in the solution

Create a complex text-based rule

Text‐based rules: Advanced rule conditions
Additional Features
Lab: Create a complex text‐based rule
Lab: Integrate the rule into the task workflow
Lab: Test the complex text‐based rule in the solution

Add Parameters to a rule

Why add custom parameters to a rule
Rule parameters and print statements
Demonstration: Add parameters to a rule
Lab: Add parameters to a rule
Lab: Test the rule with parameters

Export a rule

Export integrated rules
Lab: Export the rules


Knowledge Check and Exercise Answers
Configure Business Rules
Start and Stop System Components


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

Describe the benefits of using business rules in a case management solution.
Describe the capabilities.
Add a text-based rule to a solution.
Add a table-based rule to a solution.
Add custom parameters to a rule.
Export a rule.

Participant requirements

You should have attended:

(F215G): IBM Case Manager 5.2: Introduction to Case Manager
(F212G): Build Migrate and Deploy a Solution (Unit 1: Build a Case Manager Solution)


A Business Analyst responsible for

Scoping the high-level solution
Planning business rules.

A Solution Architect responsible for

Developing the overall design of the solution
Assisting the Business Analyst with design of business rules.

A System Administrator responsible for configuring the integrated rules.
An Application Developer responsible for designing solutions with business rules.

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