Web-based training

IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Data Mapping and EDI Processing (X12) v5.2.6.1 - 6F88G

This course introduces students to the Map Editor, mapping, and the Graphical Process Modeler. Students will create maps and business processes and also process data to trade with the trading partners. The course provides detailed information on the Sterling B2B Map Editor that is used to map the inbound and outbound business process, and create and execute a business process. The course also deals with the creation of envelopes and the adaptors required for the process. The course is primarily defined for Sterling B2B Integrator map developers, support, services, tester and EDI end users.

Advanced English
quofox quality seal

747,74 €

incl. 19% VAT

628,35 € (net)

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The course starts with a high level overview of Sterling B2B Integrator. The course provides hands-on exercises for defining and compiling a map, creating business process, defining the envelopes for the business process for executing them, and obtaining acknowledgements for the outbound business process.

The following topics will be covered during this course:


Course Overview
Lesson 1. Introduction to Sterling B2B Integrator
Exercise 1. Introduction to Sterling B2B Integrator
Lesson 2. Map Editor and Mapping
Exercise 2: Map Editor and Mapping
Lesson 3. Business Scenario


Lesson 1. Inbound 850 Map
Exercise 1. Inbound 850 Map
Lesson 2. Administering Maps
Exercise 2. Administering Map
Lesson 3. Inbound Business Process
Exercise 3. Inbound Business Process


Lesson 1. Outbound 810 Map
Exercise 1. Outbound 810 Map
Lesson 2. Document Extraction Map
Exercise 2. Document Extraction Map
Exercise 2. Document Extraction Map
Exercise 3. Outbound Business Process


Lesson 1. Outbound 856 Map
Exercise 1. Outbound 856 Map

Course Wrap-up


After completing this course, students should be able to:

Describe about the Sterling B2B Integrator and Map Editor.
Navigate through the Map Editor.
Create an Inbound 850, an Outbound 810, a system header, and an 856 Map.
Describe to administer maps in Sterling B2B Integrator.
Create an inbound and outbound business process.
List various methods to view the business process results.
Create and analyze the acknowledgment maps.
Search for EDI documents and correlations.

Participant requirements

Before taking this course, students should complete the following course:

Sterling B2B Integrator Fundamentals (6F87G)


This course is designed for Sterling B2B Integrator map developers who are responsible for designing, developing, troubleshooting, the data maps.

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